second year...
whats second year at iim i about?for me,
its about this feeling of comfort and familiarity, knowing the campus in and out and still feeling lost among the sea of new faces...
its about learning for learnings sake and not coz i have to..
its about being so used to late nights and last minute submissions that panic attacks are down to an all time low...
its about knowing that i am in a position of responsibility where i can make a difference...
its about being so used to the people around me that they seem natural extensions to myself.. i honestly find it hard to remember a time i did not know them..
its about a whole bunch of erstwhile idiots suddenly seeming grown up and mature...
its about still making a lot of mistakes, but handling them a wee bit better...
its about thinking a lot, lot more about life and what i would like to do with it...
its about seeing the campus so beautiful and green in the rains and knowing that its probably for the last time that im gonna see this...
its about falling in love with a city i didnt care a tiny bit about less than 2 years ago..
its about lots lots more......
'm lovin' it!!