Monday, November 28, 2005

loooooonng day...
started off at 8:15 when i rushed up to the acad block. the notice had said 'report for industrial visit at 8:15 sharp' and i was already late. didnt even get a chance to say a proper goodbye to my parents who were here for the weekend.
8:45 the second person arrives. the bus left at 9:15... guess i should have listened to the instructions more carefully :(
anyway... the industrial trip was to this textile company called 'maral overseas' which is located about 100 km from here (or so it seemed).... was a long 3 hr bus journey each way!! :(..
the trip itself was good. the plant was rather interesting. these people do everything right from processing the cotton to spinning, weaving, and final manufacturing of garments. we even got a bit of shopping done at their factory outlet and man! the stuff was cheeeap!! :D
got back dead tired at 8 in the evening... one book report due (by now ive lost enthu in the machine that changed the world - more of a liability now than an interesting read).. one massive marketing assignment due... fin class tomorrow needs reading up... and this is also the most boring post ever... (even by my standards :P).. im bored writing it!

Friday, November 25, 2005

desperate hostelites!

its a craze... its the latest fad to hit A block... ive caught on a little late but im altmost thru with most of it....
desperate housewives is bringing A block together like nothing else has (actually lots of stuff has :) ... come to think of it, we've had a lot of 'bonding' activities in the past few days) anyway, im onto the last episode and now i dont wanna know if i wanna watch it to the end... will leave me with nothing much to do... 'cept for studying... :(
guess will have to move on to that now... coz i dont think i can keep that last episode waiting.... :D
on another note, as part of an assignment, ive been reading this book, 'the machine that changed the world'..all about the lean production system in place at toyota.. this is perhaps the one 'management' related book ive read this year.. and im really finding it interesting... and im happiest about the fact that im finally finding something im doing here interesting.... of all the subjects weve been doing this term, ive really liked ops and fin.... not that im doing too great at either but the fact that im finding it interesting (thats the third time ive used the word interesting in 3 lines....) it's a start
anyway, our newest international student exchange program is underway! and on a personal front, im happy that im finally doing something as a member of the SWAC apart from well.... hospitality and brochure making and lots of googling!! :D

Thursday, November 17, 2005


CAT 2005 is in two days and it feels like ages since i gave the CAT last year! everything thats happened in the past year seems... well... surreal!

i remember not even being sure about wanting to do an MBA.... last year, even at this time i was hell bent on giving the UPSC exams in a few years... i had bigger dreams at that time, wanted to join the IAS, work for change, or alternatively work in a social organisation, do something worthwhile......

i've left my idealistic way of thinking far behind. started off with one thing and then another and now here i am having completely forgotten who i used to be. almost like i've broken ties with the person i was, perhaps the person i really am. on rare occasions when i think back i feel terrible coz i don't know where i'm headed. one year ago i knew where i wanted to be. today, im just drifting.

then again, it may be for the better. i'm learning a lot more here. maybe its all about exploring other options, maybe its about meeting amazing people, maybe its about learning to balance a million things at the same time, maybe its learning to cope with pressure..... i don't know.... i wish i did.....

but getting back to my point.... surreal is the only word that can describe the past year... all those sim cats, and the GDPI prep, and the waiting.... ohhhh the waiting was the worst part... but then it all worked out just fine and here i am, 1/4th of an MBA already!! :) and in these five months ive learnt more than i ever have and had some of the best times of my life....

so for all those giving the CAT this year, All the Best!!

its just the beginning of whats probably gonna be the best days of your life! :)

been so long!

i guess more than a month!
anyway, the reason for my long absence was the absolute lack of stuff to do... add to that the aversion i developed for writing after making innumerable press releases for IRIS...
IRIS was great fun though.. reminded me of malhar. of course, malhar being malhar and xaviers being in mumbai, the scale was much larger (though i never understood why over 20,000 seemingly normal people waited in looooonnnnngggg queues outside xaviers for approximately 3 hours of being pushed and shoved around and ultimately asked to leave by the 'crowd control' dept..... makes no sense at all! - of course, helped malhar rake in tons of revenue!) again, people used to die to participate in the events and the prizes used to be measley crap like a car freshener (yes.. they gave a car freshener once for some event!)
anyway, here the deal is a bit different.. the participants live on campus - and in my room (i was conveniently thrown out of my own room after being made to clean it.... of course i was the one who volunteered :) and the prize money is..... whoa!!...... i mean the flagship event ashwamedh itself comes with a cool Rs. 1 lakh... and even the smaller spot events have cash prizes of around 5-10000 bucks... the events themselves are rather cool.... designed pretty well..
ill stop this now or one might think this is just one more 'plug'