desperate hostelites!
its a craze... its the latest fad to hit A block... ive caught on a little late but im altmost thru with most of it....desperate housewives is bringing A block together like nothing else has (actually lots of stuff has :) ... come to think of it, we've had a lot of 'bonding' activities in the past few days) anyway, im onto the last episode and now i dont wanna know if i wanna watch it to the end... will leave me with nothing much to do... 'cept for studying... :(
guess will have to move on to that now... coz i dont think i can keep that last episode waiting.... :D
on another note, as part of an assignment, ive been reading this book, 'the machine that changed the world'..all about the lean production system in place at toyota.. this is perhaps the one 'management' related book ive read this year.. and im really finding it interesting... and im happiest about the fact that im finally finding something im doing here interesting.... of all the subjects weve been doing this term, ive really liked ops and fin.... not that im doing too great at either but the fact that im finding it interesting (thats the third time ive used the word interesting in 3 lines....) it's a start
anyway, our newest international student exchange program is underway! and on a personal front, im happy that im finally doing something as a member of the SWAC apart from well.... hospitality and brochure making and lots of googling!! :D
wherever there's free internet, tv series r da hottest stuff. :)
nice blog.
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