Monday, November 28, 2005

loooooonng day...
started off at 8:15 when i rushed up to the acad block. the notice had said 'report for industrial visit at 8:15 sharp' and i was already late. didnt even get a chance to say a proper goodbye to my parents who were here for the weekend.
8:45 the second person arrives. the bus left at 9:15... guess i should have listened to the instructions more carefully :(
anyway... the industrial trip was to this textile company called 'maral overseas' which is located about 100 km from here (or so it seemed).... was a long 3 hr bus journey each way!! :(..
the trip itself was good. the plant was rather interesting. these people do everything right from processing the cotton to spinning, weaving, and final manufacturing of garments. we even got a bit of shopping done at their factory outlet and man! the stuff was cheeeap!! :D
got back dead tired at 8 in the evening... one book report due (by now ive lost enthu in the machine that changed the world - more of a liability now than an interesting read).. one massive marketing assignment due... fin class tomorrow needs reading up... and this is also the most boring post ever... (even by my standards :P).. im bored writing it!


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