Friday, January 07, 2005

One week into the new year…42 resolutions made… most already broken… well I wont say broken.. just one day here and there… a few things didn’t happen.. but yeah, most of the stuff I though id work on… its happening! Im happy im making an effort atleast...
and some bad news.. my cell phone got stolen today :o( and to think i was so stupid.. i left it in the front pocket of my bag..... so easy to take it out.. feel so so stupid... and also out of touch with the world... :o(


At January 12, 2005 12:47 am, Blogger Rohit Jain said...

just read all ur posts... m here for the first time... gotta say u churnin out sm real gud blogs.... and u know the no. of new yr resolutions u made r annoyingly close to the marks i score in my coll xams ;-)

ps: congrats for the IIMI call .... atb for GD/PI

At January 12, 2005 2:52 am, Blogger Rohit Jain said...

forgot to ask.... how was ur xl exam
i screwed it up handsomely... esp the gk part

At January 14, 2005 12:10 am, Blogger deepti said...

thanks rohit... and xl was... heh heh!!

At February 02, 2005 12:48 am, Blogger Gaurav said...

entered the blog from PG....
its extremely neat and well kept...
with beautiful articles....
hopin u make it to leavin this year...n
no more bloggers from XIMB left....

Anyways all the best for all the calls u have...
XIMB: 2003-05

At February 03, 2005 1:14 am, Blogger deepti said...

thanks gaurav


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