Tuesday, April 12, 2005

happie hippie (chippi! ;o)

didn't make it to iim i (atlaeast as of now...)
so looks like im going to bhubaneshwar
i just realised for all the complaining i do about being so bored, my days are heavily packed. atleast the past week or so. but im not complaining, this is much better than moping around the house about having nothing to do.
and i may be going to kerala this weekend. just for 2 days or so (and driving down that too.. all the way from mumbai!) but still sounds like fun. feel like one of those adventurous people in movies, going cross country by road.... eww.... just remembered crossroads - that terrible britney spears movie .....ewwwwwww......... there goes my enthusiasm :o(
soon there may be another trip to goa!! (woo hoo!!) in fact with 2 months of lazzzeeeeeeeeee vacations ahead of me, i could even be a full fledged hippie!! (haha !!)


At April 12, 2005 7:57 pm, Blogger Gaurav said...

wow drivin down to Kerala......dats some real fun....
great way to spend hols....have fun... :)

At April 13, 2005 2:05 am, Blogger anubhav said...

vacations are real bliss..enjoy before mba grills u ..heard, a lot of hardwork there..

At April 13, 2005 9:02 am, Blogger deepti said...

thanks gaurav, anubhav

At April 17, 2005 11:26 am, Blogger Chandoo said...

Enjoy the vacation :) and hazaar thanks for the foodholes suggested. will explore them soon :)

At April 20, 2005 3:42 am, Blogger deepti said...

enjoyed the vacation and yea, did gain spiritually (had in fact gone for a religious ceremony!)
thanks saurabh, chandoo

At April 20, 2005 8:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi deepti
thanks for giving such a lovely account of ur kerela trip... feels like am cruising along the neverending roads with u...just waiting to experience the same now..:) anyway..great blog!..


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